Elena F Kranioti, MD, Ph.D
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Elena Kranioti is an EVAN fellow in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid, Spain, since July 2007. During the first two years of her fellowship she focused her research on the study of skeletal growth via the observation of remodeling processes. After the end of her original project (15.07.2009) she got an extension contract in EVAN (up to the end of the EVAN project, December, 2009) for studying the ontogenetic growth of the occipital bone using 3D Geometric Morphometrics. Within the EVAN network she attended 12 international workshops and she became capable of operating a series of software used in these fields such as, tps series, Morphologika, Amira, Rapidform, Morpheus et al., Viewbox, EVAN Toolkit etc. Additionally, she have made significant contacts in the past years (physical and forensic anthropologists, archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, paleobiologists etc) which will eventually lead to productive collaborations in the near future.
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