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by Monika Tanzer last modified 2011-01-18 02:15




  1. Kranioti EF, Holloway R, Senck S, Tudor Ciprut T, Grigorescu D, Harvati K. A virtual assessment of the endocranial morphology of the early modern European fossil calvarium from Cioclovina, Romania. Anat Rec (in review)
  2. Rosas A., Estalrrich A., García-Tabernero A., Bastir M., García-Vargas S., Sánchez-Meseguer A., Huguet R., Lalueza-Fox C., Peña-Melián Á., Kranioti EF, Santamaría D., De la Rasilla M., J. Fortea. J. The Neanderthals from El Sidrón (Asturias, Spain). Updating of a new sample. Bulletins de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (in review).
  3. Kastanaki AE, Kranioti EF, Theodorakis PΝ, Michalodimitrakis M 2010. Patterns of suicide in Cretan Women. In D.N. Vieira, A. Busuttil, D. Cusack & P. Beth (Eds.), Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. 2010:157-164.
  4. Kranioti EF, Paine R. Forensic Anthropology in Europe: an assessment of current status and application. J Anthropol Sci 2011 (in press)
  5. Kranioti EF, Michalodimitrakis M. Sex estimation of the Cretan humerus: A digital radiometric study. Int J Leg Med 2011(In press).
  6. Kastanaki A, Kraniotis CF, Kranioti EF, Theodorakis P, Michalodimitrakis M. Self injested pesticides in Crete Island. Crisis 2010: 31(6):328-34.
  7. Manousaki M, Papadaki E, Papavdi A, Kranioti EF, Mylonakis P, Varakis J, Michalodimitrakis M. Sudden unexpected death from oligodendroglioma – a case report and review of the literature, Am J Med Path 2011(in press).
  8. Kastanaki A, Kranioti EF, Papavdi A., Theodorakis P, Michalodimitrakis M. Suicides by firearms in the island of Crete. Crisis 2010:31(1):43-52
  9. Kranioti EF, Rosas A, García-Vargas S, Estalrrich A., Bastir M, Peña-Melián A. Remodeling patterns of the human occipital bone: A preliminary report. Anat Rec (Hoboken) 2009: 292(11):1764-70
  10. Steyn M, İşcan MY, De Kock M,Kranioti EF, Michalodimitrakis M, L’Abbé EN. Analysis of ante-mortem trauma in three modern skeletal populations. Int J Osteoarchaeol 2009 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/oa.1096.
  11. Kranioti EF, García-Vargas S, Michalodimitrakis M. Dimorfismo sexual de cráneo en la población actual de Creta. Boletín Galego de Medicina Legal e Forense 2009(16):37-43 (article in Spanish).
  12. Kranioti EF, Bastir M, Sánchez-Meseguer A, Rosas A. A geometric morphometric study of the Cretan humerus for sex identification. Forensic Sci Int 2009;189(1-3):111.e1-8.
  13. Kranioti EF, Vorniotakis N, Galiatsou C, Iscan MY, Michalodimitrakis M. Sex identification and software development using femoral radiographs. Forensic Sci Int 2009;189(1-3):113.e1-7
  14. Kranioti EF, Michalodimitrakis M. Sexual dimorphism of the humerus in contemporary Cretans. J Forensic Sci 2009;54(5):996-1000.
  15. Psilopanagioti A, Papadaki H, Kranioti EF, Alexandrides TK, Varakis N. Expression of adiponectin and adiponectin receptors in human pituitary and brain. Neuroendocrinology 2009;89(1):38-47
  16. Kastanaki A, Kranioti EF, Theodorakis P, Michalodimitrakis M. Case Report of an Unusual Gunshot Suicide inside a Grave. J Forensic Sci. 2009;54(2):404-7
  17. Kranioti EF, Iscan MY, Michalodimitrakis M. Craniometric analysis of the modern Cretans.Forensic Sci Int 2008;180(2-3):110.e1-5.
  18. Papavdi A, Kranioti EF, Mylonakis P, Papadomanolakis A, Michalodimitrakis M. The Use of Postmortem Forensic Toxicology Today. An Alert for the Pathologist Int J Med Toxicol Legal 2008:10(2): 1-4
  19. Kranioti EF, Mavroforou A, Mylonakis P, Michalodimitrakis M Lethal self administration of propofol (Diprivan) A case report and review of the literature. Forensic Sci Int. 2007:167(1):56-8.
  20. Iscan, MY, Aka PS, Kranioti EF, Michalodimitrakis M, Konsolaki E. Dentition of Galatas People in Mycenaen Period. Adli Bilimler Dergisi /Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences; 2007(6): 27-33 (article in Turkish).
  21. Michalodimitrakis M, Kranioti EF, Mylonakis PP, Mavroforou AJ. Forensic Medicine in Greece: Modernizing and updating the specialty Mal J For Path Sci 2007:2(1): 1-8
  22. Michalodimitrakis M, Kranioti EF, Mylonakis PP, Mavroforou AJ. Aggravated suicidal responses to police arrest Mal J For Path Sci 2007:2(1): 20-4
  23. Michalodimitrakis E, Papadomanolakis A, Kranioti EF, Mavroforou A: Analysis of the fatal traffic accidents in Crete. Rom J Leg Med 2005: 13(2) 120- 7.




  1. Kranioti EF, Ciprut T, Grigorescu D, Harvati K. Inner Ear Morphology of the Cioclovina Calvarium: A virtual study. Abstract book, 12th annual meeting of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, September 17th-19thCambridge, UK, 2010: p 32.
  2. Langstaff H, Kranioti EF, Kyriakou P., Fleming-Farrell D, Harris S, Migliaccio F, Pacelli C, Samuels C, Castro J, Roig J. Márquez-Grant N. The Mediaeval cemetery (10th-13th centuries) of Can Fonoll, Ibiza, Spain. Abstract book, 12th annual meeting of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, September 17th-19th Cambridge, UK, 2010: p 33.
  3. Kranioti EF, Harvati K, Ciprut T, Grigorescu D. Cioclovina: A virtual assessment of endocranial morphology in an early European fossil. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010:141:S50:147-148.
  4. Kranioti EF, Rosas A, García-Vargas S, Estalrrich A. Remodeling patterns of the human occipital bone: A preliminary report. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009:138:S48:169