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GB Workshop: Life after EVAN

Here you find PDF versions of the talks given at the GB Workshop in January 13-14, 2009 in Athens.

Workshop Program.pdf by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 16:37
Academic careers in mainland Europe_ Katrin Schaefer by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:44
Academic career path in the UK_ Sarah Elton by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:44
Academic career path in the US_Katerina Harvati by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:45
Interview training and self presentation_Rebecca Pitsika by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:50
Tips for interview preparation_Rebecca Pitsika by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:49
Further career options_Heather Richardson by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 16:29
Getting published_Sarah Elton by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:52
Proposal writing_Katerina Harvati by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:52
Sources of funding_Katrin Schaefer by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:52
Grants and review_Paul O'Higgins by UNVI — last modified 2009-01-23 15:53