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Contact has been made with the Center for Gender Equality, University of Vienna; its staff is available to provide specialist support at EVAN’s home institution. Contact has also been made with various other organisations, including several anthropological associations, the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, and the European Platform of Women Scientists.
UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology: includes adverts for job vacancies, resources for equality issues, and a discussion board. -
European Platform for Women Scientists: newly formed, but could have useful information in the future. -
Gender Advisory Board: contains useful advice and information, plus region-specific documents. -
Committee on the Status of Women in Anthropology (CoSWA), part of the American Anthropological Association. Contains some helpful links and information, but some of the resources are a bit out of date. -
The European Commission’s resources on Gender Equality -
Women and Science in FP6 -
EU Resources on “gender difference – gender equality” including a platform of European women scientists, information on THE Helsinki Group, etc. -
Centre for Gender Equality, University of Vienna: a service and coordination center supporting the advancement of women in the university community, offering advice, coaching, mentoring, orientation, and career planning, including the Counseling Center for Sexual Harassment and Mobbing.