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by UHIN last modified 2007-07-13 21:20

Medical University Innsbruck, Dept. of Radiology,
Workgroup Experimental Radiology
Phone: + 43 - 512 - 504 - 24021
Fax: + 43 - 512 - 504 - 2402

The working group "Experimental Radiology" is specialized in and deals with image processing and quantitative image analysis of radiological image datasets. The focus is on experimental studies using approved techniques in different clinical situations in cooperation with several medical faculties but also work on implementation of new algorithms and techniques in several medical areas. Currently running projects comprise 1) functional neuro-imaging to minimise the risk of brain surgery by optimising the mapping of the anatomical position of areas and postoperative quality control, 2) biometrically based lung imaging (static and dynamic) to develop computer aided diagnosis for detecting and quantifying lung abnormalities and to support therapy, 3) hemodynamic studies of normal and pathological vascular structures, especially aneurysms and stent devices, and 4) rapid prototyping for preoperative planning and creating vessel models from computed tomography, angiography and MRT. Moreover, UHIN maintains a strong collaboration for more than a decade with the UNVI to analyse anatomical aspects of mummies and hominid fossils that lead to numerous publications in the field of Virtual Anthropology.

Scientific staff:


Dr. Wolfgang RECHEIS


Leader of the workgroup "Experimental Radiology", Scientist in charge for EVAN

Surgery planning, image analysis, functional imaging of heart and lung, anthropological studies, rapid prototyping


Prof. Dr. Bernhard QUATEMBER


Modelling, simulation, medical expert systems




MRT, functional MRT, data matching, simulation of dynamic processes


Dr. Michael VERIUS


MRT, functional MRT, fluid mechanics, blood vessels


Dr. Harald WEIRICH


Biology, image processing, media expert


Dipl.Ing. Markus STRAUB


Visualisation, programming


Mag. Robert EDER


2D-imaging, stereolithographic models



Recheis W, Straub M, Tschirren J, zur Nedden D (2004) Matching lung volume data sets: a novel approach , Coll. Anth. 28 Suppl 2:103-11


Quatember B, Muehlthaler H (2003) Generation of CFD meshes from biplane angiograms: An example of image-based mesh generation and simulation. Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 46, No. 3-4, 2003, pp. 379-397.


Recheis W, Weber GW, Schafer K, Knapp R, Seidler H, and zur Nedden D (1999) Virtual reality and anthropology. Eur J Radiol 31:88-96.


Full up-to-date radiological equipment (3 multidetector CTs, 2 MRIs, 1 Digital Subtraction Rotational Angiography, ultrasound systems, Digital Radiography and Mammography, fully digital image acquisition process and storage), image procssing, analysis, rapid prototyping and visualization tools (Stratasys Prodigy, biomedical Software (AnalyzeAVW, 3D-Viewnix, AdvantageWindows, Syngo and Leonardo Workstations), fusion Software (CURRY), fMRI analysis (MEDX, SPM, Matlab, brain voyager,eloquence), quantitative image analysis, texture analysis (ImageJ, MAZDA, PIXIES, own written routines), 3D-Surface data analysis and calculation (Insight, SolidView, Amira) and computational fluid dynamics (FLUENT)

Regular teaching programme:

Medical imaging methods for biologists and anthropologists

Image-guided diagnosis and therapy

Physics of CT: Ultrasound, Medical Imaging and Image Processing

Data Fusion of Multimodal Images

Biomechanics and biofluid mechanics

Modelling and simulation in medicine

Biosystems analysis