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by Markus Bastir last modified 2010-03-11 12:28


Bastir M, Rosas A, Stringer C, Cuétara Pastor JM, Kruszynski R, Weber GW, Ross CF, and Ravosa MJ (in press). Effects of brain and face size on basicranial form in human and primate evolution. Journal of Human Evolution.

Alarcon JA, Bastir M, and Rosas A (2009) Chin cup modifies the shape of the mandible in growing prognathic patients. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. (in press).

Bastir M, Rosas A, García Tabernero A, Peña A, Estalrrich A, de la Rasilla M, and Fortea J (2009) Comparative morphology and morphometric assessment of the Neandertal occipital remains from the El Sidrón site (Asturias, Spain) (years 2000-2008). Journal of Human Evolution. 58:68-78.

Kranioti EF, Rosas A, García-Vargas S, Estalrrich A, Bastir M, and Peña-Melián Á (2009) Remodeling patterns of occipital growth: A preliminary report. Anatomical Record 292:1764-1770.

Kranioti E, Bastir, M, Sánchez-Meseguer A, Rosas A (2009) The application of geometric-morphometrics in sex identification of the humerus for forensic purposes. Forensic Science International 189:111.e1-111.e8.

Alarcon, J.A., Bastir, M., Rosas, A., Martin, C., 2009. Geometric morphometric analysis of the effects of chin cup treatment. Journal of Dental Research 88B,81.

Cunha C, M Bastir, M. M. Coelho, Doadrio I. 2009. Body shape evolution among different ploidy levels of the S. alburnoides hybrid complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 718-728.

Bruner E, and Bastir M (2008) Digital Morphology: modelling anatomy and evolution. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 86:3-5.

Bastir M (2008) A systems-model for the morphological analysis of integration and modularity in human craniofacial evolution. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 86:37-58.

Bastir M, Sobral PG, Kuroe K, Rosas A. 2008. Human craniofacial sphericity: A simultaneous analysis of frontal and lateral cephalograms using geometric morphometrics and partial least squares analysis. Archives of Oral Biology 53(4):295-303.

Bastir M, Rosas A, Lieberman DE, O'Higgins P. (2008) Middle cranial fossa anatomy and the origins of modern humans. Anatomical Record 291(2):130-140.

Bastir M, O'Higgins P, and Rosas A (2007) Facial ontogeny in Neanderthals and modern humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274:1125-1132.

Rincon P, Bastir M, and Grossman GD (2007) Form and performance. Body shape and prey capture success in four drift-feeding minnows. Oecologia 152:345-355.

Gómez-Robles A, Martinón-Torres M, Bermúdez de Castro JM, Margvelashvili A, Bastir M, Arsuaga JL, Pérez-Pérez A, and Estebaranz F (2007) Hominin upper first molar morphology through geometric morphometric analysis. Journal of Human Evolution.53(3):272-85.

Rosas A, Martinez-Maza C, Bastir M, Garcia-Tabernero A, Lalueza-Fox C, Huguet R, Ortiz JE, Julia R, Soler V, Torres Td, Martinez E, Cañaveras JC, Sanchez-Moral S, Cuezva S, Lariol J, Santamaria D, de la Rasilla M, and Fortea J (2006) Paleobiology and comparative morphology of a late Neandertal sample from El Sidrón, Asturias, Spain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103:19266-19271.

Bastir M, Rosas A, and O'Higgins P. (2006) Craniofacial levels and the morphological maturation of the human skull. Journal of Anatomy 209:637-54

Lalueza-Fox C, Krause J, Caramelli D, Catalan G, Milano L, Sampietro L, Calafell F, Martínez-Maza C, Bastir M, García-Tabernero A, Rasilla Mdl, Fortea J, Pääbo S, Bertranpetit J, Rosas A. (2006). The mitochondrial hypervariable region I of an Iberian Neandertal suggests a population affinity with other European Neanderthals. Current Biology 16:20-30.

Bastir, M. and Rosas, A. 2006 Correlated variation between the lateral basicranium and the face: A geometric morphometric study in different human groups. Archives of Oral Biology 51, 814-24.

Martinón-Torres, M., Bastir, M., Bermúdez de Castro, J. M., Gómez, A., Sarmiento, S., Muela, A. (2006). Hominin lower second premolars morphology: evolutionary inferences through geometric morphometric análisis. Journal of Human Evolution. 50(5):523-33.

O'Higgins P, Bastir M, and Kupczik K (2006) Shaping the human face. International Congress Series 1296:55-73.

Carbonell E, Bermudez de Castro JM A. J., Allue E, Bastir M, Benito A, Caceres I, Canals T, Diez JC, van der Made J, Mosquera M, Olle A, Perez-Gonzalez A, Rodriguez J, Rodriguez XP, Rosas A, Rosell J, Sala R, Vallverdu J, Verges JM. 2005. An Early Pleistocene Hominin Mandible from Atapuerca-TD6, Spain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 102:5674-5678.

Bastir M, Rosas A. 2005. The hierarchical nature of morphological integration and modularity in the human posterior face. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 128:26-34.

Lalueza-Fox C, Sampietro ML, Caramelli D, Puder Y, Martina Lari, Francesc Calafell, Martínez-Maza C, Bastir M, Fortea J, Rasilla Mdl, Bertranpetit J, and Rosas A. 2005. Neandertal Evolutionary Genetics; Mitochondrial DNA Data from the Iberian Peninsula. Mol. Biol. Evol 22(4):1077-81

Rosas A, and Bastir M. 2004. Geometric morphometric analysis of allometric variation in the mandibular morphology from the hominids of Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos Site. The Anatomical Record Part A 278A:551-560.

Bastir M, and Rosas A. 2004. Comparative ontogeny in humans and chimpanzees: Similarities, differences and paradoxes in postnatal growth and development of the skull. Annals of Anatomy 186:503-509.

Bastir M, and Rosas A. 2004. Facial heights: Evolutionary relevance of postnatal ontogeny for facial orientation and skull morphology in humans and chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution 47:359-381.

Bastir M, Rosas A, Kuroe K. 2004. Petrosal orientation and mandibular ramus breadth: Evidence of a developmental integrated petroso-mandibular unit. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123:340-350.

Rosas A, Bastir M, Martínez Maza C, Bermúdez de Castro JM. 2002. Sexual Dimorphism in the Atapuerca-SH hominids. The evidence from the mandibles. Journal of Human Evolution:135-141.

Rosas A, Bastir M. 2002. Thin-Plate Spline Analysis of Allometry and Sexual Dimorphism in the Human Craniofacial Complex. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 117:236-245.

Bermúdez de Castro JM, Sarmiento S, Cunha E, Rosas A, Bastir M. 2001. Dental size variation in the Atapuerca-SH Middle Pleistocene hominids. Journal of Human Evolution 41:195-209

papers in books (peer reviewed)

Rosas A, M. Bastir, C. Martínez-Maza, García-Tabernero, A ; Lalueza-Fox, C. (2006). Evolutionary craniodental development in the Neanderthal lineage. A review in the light of new methods and fossils. in Harvati, K and Harrison, T. (editors) Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives. Springer: New York (in press)

Martinón-Torres, M., Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Bastir, M., Gómez, A., Sarmiento, S., Muela,A.,  Lozano M. & J. L. Arsuaga, J.L. (2006). Gran Dolina-TD6 and Sima de los Huesos dental samples: an approach to the  evolutionary scenario of the first human settlement in Europe. In (S. Bailey & J.J. Hublin Eds.) Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution. Berlin, Springer- Verlag.

Bastir M, Rosas A, Sheets DH. 2005. The morphological integration of the hominoid skull: A Partial Least Squares and PC analysis with morphogenetic implications for European Mid-Pleistocene mandibles. In: Slice D, editor. Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. p 265-284.

Bastir M, and Rosas A. 2004. Geometric morphometrics in paleoanthropology: Mandibular shape variation, allometry, and the evolution of modern human skull morphology. In: A Elewa (ed.): Morphometrics in Paleontology. Berlin, Wien: Springer, pp. 231-241.

Published Conference Abstracts

Bastir M, Rosas A, Stringer C, Cuétara JMdl, Kruszynski R, Ross CF, Ravosa MJ. 2009. Basicranial flexion in the evolution of Homo: new analyses of an old model. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S48:84.

Bastir M, Rosas A. 2008. Mosaic evolution, integration and modularity: evolution of the human cranial base. American Journal of Physical Anthropology S46:65.

Rosas A, Bastir M, García-Tabernero A, de la Rasilla M, Fortea J. 2008. Comparative morphology and morphometric assessment of the occipitals from the El Sidrón Neanderthals (Asturias, Northern Spain). American Journal of Physical Anthropology S46: (in press)

Bastir M, Rosas A, and O'Higgins P (2007) 3D architecture of the middle cranial fossa and modern human origins. Am J Phys Anthropol.:69.

Rosas A, C. Martínez-Maza, M. Bastir, A.García-Tabernero, C. Lalueza-Fox, R. Huguet, A. Estalrrich, S. García-Vargas, M. de la Rasilla, and Fortea. J (2007) Paleobiological aspects of El Sidrón (Asturias, Spain) Neandertals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology:202.

Bastir M, O'Higgins P, and Rosas A (2005) Human Evolution: Relationships between the basicranium and the face. Annals of Human Biology 32:790.

Bastir M, Rosas A. 2004. Facial heights: Implications of postnatal ontogeny and facial orientation for skull morphology in humans and chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123S:60-61.

Rosas A, Fortea M de la Rasilla J, Bastir M, Martinez-Maza C. 2004. Neanderthals from El Sidrón Cave (Asturias, Spain). Presentation of a new sample. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123S:169.

Marugán-Lobón J, and Bastir M. 2004. Common Patterns of Morphological Variation in the Skull of Vertebrates: Invariant Processes? Journal of Morphology 260:310.

Rosas A, Bastir M, and Martinez-Maza C. 2002. Morphological integration and predictive value of the mandible in the craniofacial system of Hominids: A test with the Atapuerca SH mandibular sample. Collegium Antropologicum 26:171-172.

Bastir M, Rosas A, and Kuroe K; 2002. Morphogenetic determinants of mandibular ramus breadth. A test in modern human populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology S115:40-41.

Bastir M., Rosas A; 2001. Thin Plate Spline Analysis of Human Craniofacial Sexual Dimorphism. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. S114, Supplement 32:35-36.

Other publications

Rosas A, M. Bastir, C. Martínez-Maza, and García-Tabernero A (2005) Evolutionary craniodental development in the Neanderthal lineage. A review in the light of new methods and fossils. Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives. University of New York, Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology. Leipzig, Germany.

Bastir M (2004) A geometric morphometric analysis of integrative morphology and variation in human skulls with implications for the Atapuerca-SH hominids and the evolution of Neandertals. Structural and systemic factors of morphology in the hominid craniofacial system. Doctoral Dissertation, Autonoma University of Madrid, Madrid.

Rosas A, Bastir M. 2003. Estudio preliminar de los restos humanos de la cueva de Benzu. In DB José Ramos, Vicente Castañeda (ed.): El abrigo y cueva de Benzu en la prehistoria de Ceuta. Aproximación al estudio de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras y tribales comunitarias en el ámbito norteafricano del Estrecho de Gibraltar: Servicio de Publicaciones de la University of Cádiz, UNED, Centro asociado de Ceuta, Consejería de Educación y Cultura - Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta, pp. 363-369.

Bastir M, Rosas A. 2003. Comparative ontogeny in humans and chimpanzees: Similarities, differences and paradoxes in postnatal growth and development of the skull. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Evolutionary Changes in the Craniofacial Morphology of Primates; University of Greifswald, Department of Anatomy.

Bastir M (1998) 3D- Analysis of Prognathism.The Morphological Variation of Homo sapiens Populations and Fossil Casts, Some Aspects of Biomechanics and Functional Morphology. Master Thesis, Vienna, Vienna.