Curriculm Vitae
Curriculum vitae
2003 - 2008 |
Ph.D. Musém National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (France). |
2003 |
M.A., "Quaternaire: géologie, paléontologie humaine, prehistoire". Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (France). |
2001 |
B.A., Biology, specialty: human biology. Bordeaux I University, France. |
Teaching Experience
Interventions in Master « Quaternaire et Préhistoire : Paléenvironnement, Lignée Humaine, Histoire des Sociétés » (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris).
2007 | Introduction to dental anthropology (QP 16b) |
2006 | Burial excavations methods (QP 16b) |
2005 - 2006 | Paleoanthropology courses (QP2, QP3, for Erasmus Mundus students). |
2009 | Marie Curie post-doctoral fellow (EVAN training network), Max Planck Institute, Leipzig |
2008 | Lecturer, Musée de l'Homme (Paris). Topics: prehistory, human evolution and human genetics. |
2003 - 2006 | Allocataire de recherche, MNHN (Paris) |
Field Experience
2002 - 2003 - 2005 | Field Technician assistant on lower Pleistocene site Barranco Leon (Orce, Spain). Supervisor: I. Toro Moyano (Delegación Provincial del Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía). Revision of osteological material (2008). |
2005 | Anthropologist on rescue excavations on the necropolis of Koh Ta Meas (3000 BP), Baray occidental, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Field anthropology and post-excavation work. Supervisor: C. Pottier (investigator EFEO, Cambodia). |
2003 - 2004 | Fieldwork on middle Pleistocene site of la Caune de l’Arago (Tautavel, France). Supervisor: H. de Lumley. |
2002 | Excavations, cartography, topography, stratigraphy on Upper Pleistocene site of Unikoté (Iholdy, France). Supervisor: P. Michel (IPGQ, Bordeaux I). |
2001 - 2002 | Laboratory work (on lithic artefacts and faunal remains) in Musée de l'Abri Pataud. Supervisor: R. Nespoulet |
2000 | Fieldwork on Bronze age burial "Les Renardières" aux Pins (Agris, France). Supervisor: B. Boulestin. |
1999 - 2001 - 2003 | Field and laboratory work on middle Pleistocene site of Lazaret (Nice, France). Supervisor: H. de Lumley. |
2003 - 2006 | Grant from the "Ministère de l'éducation nationale et
de la recherche". Allocation ministerielle de Recherche |