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by Ben Ali Qualid last modified 2008-04-28 17:55

Dr. Walid Ali (Resume)




Personal Details


Dr. Walid Ali

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D

Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering

Laval University (Université Laval)

Adrien-Pouliot building, local 3728

Québec, Canada, G1K 7P4

Ph: +1 (418) 656-2131 Post 4165, Cell: + 1(418) 558-4669

Fax: + (418) 656-2324

Email:   or

Skype: walid_ali_canada


Date & Place of Birth:

18/09/1976, Tunis, TUNISIA.

Citizenship: CANADIAN, Original from TUNISIA






Education and academic qualifications


January 2006-June 2006

Post-Doctoral researcher: Under the supervision of Dr. Bernard Moulin (*)(*) Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada.

September 2001- January 2006




Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Dr. Bernard Moulin (*) and Dr. Francois DesRosier (**).

(*) Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada.

(**) Management Department, Laval University, Québec, Canada.

Topic: MultiAgent GeoSimulation of Shopping behavior in a shopping Mall.


1999-May 2001           






Master in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Bernard Moulin (*) and Dr. Sylvain DeLisle (**).

(*) Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada.

(*) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada.

Topic: Development of Ontology-Based Search Engine.


1995- June



Bachelor in Computer Science applyed to management under the supervision of Mrs. Amina Sayeb (*)

(*) Department of Computer Science, Institut Supérieure de Gestion (ISG), Tunis, Tunisia.

Topic: Development of a tool to compare Search engines in Internet.




Current Research Interests


– Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems

– Multiagent-Based Simulation (MABS), Agent-Based Simulation (ABS), Multiagent Geo-Simulation (MAGS), Spatial simulation.

– Agent-Based Social Simulation

– Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and reasoning

– Software and application engineering: Design, Implementation, and Validation/Verification of simulation applications and software

– Data analysis techniques: Spatial analysis techniques, On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Spatial On Line Analytical Processing (SOLAP)

– Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data manipulation/analysis

– Graphical applications and 2d/3d modeling and visualization





Reviewer and professional activities


- Co-founder and Member of the organization committee of the First International Workshop Agent and MultiAgent Systems: From Theory to Application. Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Laval University (Université Laval): 5-6 June 2006.


- ASIM 2005:18th symposium on simulation technique. Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen (Germany), September 12 - 15, 2005.


- Member of the organization committee of the Musca_MAGS Project Workshops (1st and 2nd), Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Laval University (Université Laval).



Selected Honors and Awards


2006-2006: Full Post-Ph.D (2 Months) Scholarship (Canadian Heritage) (Canada).

2006-2006: Full Post-Ph.D (6 Months) Scholarship (GEOIDE fundations) (Québec, Canada).

2001-2005: Full Ph.D. Scholarship (GEOIDE fundations) (Québec, Canada).

2001-2005: Full Ph.D. Scholarship (Government of Tunisia) (Québec, Canada).

1999-2001: Full Master. Scholarship (Government of Tunisia) (Québec, Canada).

1995-1999: Baccalaureat. Scholarship (Government of Tunisia) (Tunis, Tunisia).

1998: Ranked 1st in ISG (Institue Superieur de Gestion), Tunis, Tunisia.

1997: Ranked 1st in ISG (Institue Superieur de Gestion), Tunis, Tunisia.

1996: Ranked 1st in ISG (Institue Superieur de Gestion), Tunis, Tunisia.

1995: Ranked 1st in ISG (Institue Superieur de Gestion), Tunis, Tunisia.



Attended Conferences & Workshops


-  Symposium Geomatics 2004, Montreal, Quebec (Canada), 26-28 October 2004.

- Agent Directed Simulation (ADS’05) (Part of the 2005 Spring Simulation MultiConference (SpringSim’05)), San Diego, California (USA), 2-7 Avril 2005.

- PROCESSUS second international Colloquium on the behavioural foundations of intergrated land-use and transportation models: Frameworks, models and applications (PROCESSUS Colloquium 2005), Toronto, Ontario (Canada), 12-15 June 2005. (Without submission)

- 6th Workshop on Agent Based Simulation 2005 (ABS 6 (2005)), Erlangen, Bayern (Germany), 12-14 September 2005.

- Conference On Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 05), Ellicottville, New York (USA), 14-18 September 2005.

- First workshop MUSCA_MAGS Project (MultiScale Multiagent GeoSimulation), Laval University, Quebec, Quebec City (Canada), 2-4 February 2005 (in the organization committee).

- Second workshop MUSCA_MAGS Project (MultiScale Multiagent GeoSimulation), Laval University, Quebec, Quebec City (Canada), 8-9 December 2005 (in the organization committee).

- First International workshop on MobileGeoSpatial Augmented Reality, Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta (Canada), 29-30 May 2006. (Without submission)



Research Projects


Exploring how we can use 2D/3D modeling and visualization tools and applications to develop a simulation application of Virtual tete-Vistit to a 3D Virtual museum (under the TOT Project): Post-Doctoral position (April, Mai, June 2006).

Role: Investigator as postdoctoral with Pr. Bernard Moulin and Pr. François coté.


Development of multi-scale geosimulation tool of shopping behavior in a mall (the case of Square One mall in Toronto): Post-Doctoral position, the MUSCA-MAGS Project (January 2006- June 2006) (With Bernard Moulin, Laval University).

Role: Main investigator and developer as postdoctoral with Pr. Bernard Moulin.


Development of a 2D-3D multiagent geosimulation tool of shopping behavior in a mall (the case of Square One mall in Toronto) (September 2001- December 2005) (With Bernard Moulin, Laval University).

Role: Main investigator and developer with Pr. Bernard Moulin.


Development of a method to develop 2D-3D multiagent géosimulation applications in georeferenced environments (September 2001- December 2005) (With Bernard Moulin, Laval University).

Role: Main investigator and developer with Pr. Bernard Moulin.


Development of an indexing and research engine of multimedia documents (the ICEM-SE projects) (May 2001- September 2001) (With Bernard Moulin, Yvan Bédard, Laval University).

Role: Main investigator and developer with Pr. Bernard Moulin.




Research Funding (I participated in the following projects)



Funding Body

Grant Title

Main Investigators


Canadian Heritage

The TOT Project[1] Phase 3 (Open Territories: Axe TeleVisit): Exploring how using 3D modeling and visualization technology (tools, applications, etc.) to develop a 3D tele-visit software to a 3D virtual museum.

* François coté, Laval University (Laboratoire de muséologie et d'ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC[2]))

* Denis Laurendeau, Laval University (Laboratoire de vision et Systèmes Numériques (LVSN[3]))

* Bernard Moulin, Laval University

* Walid Ali, Laval University


GEOIDE and RDDC ValCartier

The MUSCA_MAGS Project: MultiScale Geosimulation of complex spatial systems and behaviors in geographic environments

* Bernard Moulin, Laval University.

* Walid Ali,

Laval University.


GEOIDE and the Government of Tunisia

MultiAgent GeoSimulation of Shopping behavior in a mall: a Method and its application.

* Bernard Moulin, Laval University.

* Walid Ali,

Laval University.

2001 (4 months)

Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)

Development of research engine for the ICEM-SE projects.

* Bernard Moulin,

Laval University.

* Yvan Bédard,

Laval University.

* Walid Ali,

Laval University.


GEOIDE and the Government of Tunisia

Development of Ontology-Based Search Engine.

* Bernard Moulin,

Laval University.

* Sylvain Delisle, The Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

* Walid Ali,

Laval University.







Université Laval (Laval University). Laboratoire de muséologie et d'ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC).

-         Dr. François coté and its Team


Université Laval (Laval University). Geomatic Sciences Department, Quebec, Canada.

-         Dr. Yvan Bedard’s and its Team

-         Dr. Francois Des Rosiers


Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ).

-         Mr. Pierre Gosselin and its Team






– Microsoft Visual Basic (Computer Science Department, Laval University, 2001-2003) (Auxiliary Teaching).

– File system management (Computer Science Department, Laval University, 2001-2003) (Auxiliary Teaching).

– Micro-Software (Word, Powerpoint, FrontPage, Access, etc.) (Computer Science Department, Laval University, 2001) (Auxiliary teaching).




Technical skills


– Operating systems: Window 95, 2000, server, Millenium, XP

– Programming languages: ADA, MsVB 6.0, C, C++, Java, DotNet (,, CSharp), ASP 3.0, Php, Lisp, and others…

– Web development tools: MacroMedia Dreamweaver, MacroMedia Flash MX, Ms FrontPage.

– Micro-Software (Word, Powerpoint, FrontPage, Access, etc.).

– Development tools (MsVisual Basic, DotNet platform, MsVisual C++, JBuilder, etc.) (BeeGent and JADE for multiagent systems).

– Database (MsSQL Server, Oracle, MSAccess, SQL, Pl-SQL, etc.)

– 2D and 3D Graphical librairies and software: OpenGL, Direct3D, Open Scene Graph, Open Dynamic Engine, etc.





    English (advanced), French (fluent), Arabic (native).




    Sport: tennis, cycling and swimming

    Reading: politics, history, philosophy

    ORIGAMI and Paper folding




Prof. Bernard Moulin,

Laval University,

Department of Computer Science

and Software Engineering,

Pavillon Pouliot, Québec QC G1K 7P4, Canada

Ph: (+1) 418 - 656 5580

Fax: (+1) 418 - 656 2324

Prof. Francois Des Rosier,

Laval University,

Management Department

Pavillon Palasis-Prince, G1K 7P4,
Ph : (+1) 418 - 656-2131 poste 5012
Fax : (+1) 418 - 656-2624
Email :

Url :

Prof. Yvan Bédard,

Laval University,

Geomatic Sciences Department

Pavillon Louis-Jacques-Casault
Ph : (+1) 418 - 656-2131 + 3694

Fax : (+1) 418 - 656-7411

Email :

Url :

Prof. Ken Jones,

Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity (CSCA) (

CSCA, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto (ON) Canada, M5B 2K3.

Ph: (+1) 416- 979- 5000 ext 7612 or 4569

Fax: (+1) 416- 979- 5378



Prof. Christophe Claramunt,

Ecole Navale (France)

Director of the Naval Academy Research Institute (IRENav)


BP 600, 29240 Brest Naval, France

Ph: (+1) 33 02 98 23 4206

Fax: (+1) 33 02 98 23 3857




Many thanks to my sponsors:


- The government of Tunisia, Ministry of Higher education:,

- Laval University,

- Department of Computer Science at Laval University,

- Laboratoire d’informatique Cognitive, Laval University,

- Geoide Networks of Centres of Excellence,

- The Research Center fot Geomatics,

- DRDC (RDDC) ValCartier: Def   ense Research and Development Canada,