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by YORK last modified 2007-07-13 20:37

University of York,
Functional Morphology and Evolution Group (fme)
Phone: + 44 - 870 - 12 - 45 - 500
Fax: + 44 - 19 - 04 - 32 - 16 - 96


Research focus at fme is on human and primate evolution and ecology. The unit has experience in both the development and application of tools for GMM ( morphologika ). It is a formal partner in the Centre for Medical Engineering (CMET) at Hull. The fme is also a partner in PALAEO, drawing together the staff and resources of 3 experienced research groups (30+ members) with interests in human palaeoecology and evolutionary origins.

Scientific staff:


Prof. Paul O'HIGGINS

professor of anatomy

Scientist in charge for EVAN

Primate evolution and development, morphometrics


Dr. Sarah ELTON

lecturer in anatomy

Primate evolution, development and ecology


Dr. Sam COBB

lecturer in anatomy

Primate evolution, hard tissue development and evolution



Hon. visiting professor

Primate evolution, morphometrics



O'Higgins P, Collard M (2002) Sexual Dimorphism and Facial Growth in Papionin Monkeys. Journal of Zoology. 257: 255-272


Cobb SN, O'Higgins P (2004) Hominins do not share a common postnatal facial ontogenetic shape trajectory. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular Developmental and Evolution), 302 B, 302-321

Regular teaching programme:

Advanced level course in Human and Primate Evolution
Human morphology and Anatomy