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Deano Stynder

by Deano Stynder last modified 2007-08-23 12:28

Laboratoire d'Anthropobiologie
Université Paul Sabatier
39 allées Jules Guesde
31000 Toulouse
Phone: + 33 6 81 96 03 10
Fax: + 33 5 61 14 59 79

Deano Stynder was employed as a postdoctoral fellow (EVAN Research Training Network) at the University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. He is a biological anthropologist working on various aspects of craniofacial form variation both within, as well as between extant and recently extinct human populations.

He is specifically interested in micro-evolutionary processes which led to the development of recent patterns of human craniofacial variation. In his Ph. D. research, he focused on a 3-dimensional analysis of craniofacial variation in a large, temporally stratified sample of Holocene Khoesan crania from South Africa.