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by BREU last modified 2007-07-14 13:42

Breuckmann GmbH, Company
Phone: + 49 - 7532 - 4346 - 12
Fax: + 49 - 7532 - 4346 - 50


The Breuckmann GmbH is a growing and innovative company, concentrating for more than 15 years on the research, development and manufacturing of surface scanning systems, based on fringe projection technology. For about eight years, Breuckmann has successfully disseminated these techniques for technical application and cultural heritage projects. The experiences and product spectrum of Breuckmann includes surface scanning for a wide range of applications, from small objects such as teeth to in-vivo digitisation of the complete human body, and the development of software tools for the acquisition, visualisation and quantitative analysis of 3D-data. For more than 15 years, Breuckmann has allowed students to work on their diploma-thesis (bachelor, master) using the facilities and know-how at the Breuckmann labs. Research concentrated on the development of advanced data acquisition techniques, software development for the analysis of 3D surface data, improving sensor accuracy and reliability of 3D-data. Many of those students have been offered a permanent position after successfully finishing their thesis (Thomas Hermann, 1987; Erik Klaas, 1989; Horst Winterberg, 1989; Frank Halbauer, 1992; Harald Rein, 1992; Stefanie Thren, 2000)

Scientific staff:



owner and CEO, physisist

Scientist in charge for EVAN

Surface scanning and development



head of construction and manufacturing

Advancing accuracy and acquisition time


Dr. Dipl. math. Hermann SPIEGEL

head of software development

Mathematics, development


Dipl. Ing. Hans WOERNER


Software development and optical metrology



Breuckmann B, Halbauer F, Klaas E, Kube M (1997) Topogrammetric 3D-Metrology. Fringe 97 Proceedings, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, ISBN 3-05-501791-9.


Ghattas K (1997) Messung des Processus mastodei mittels topometrischer Messtechnik. Diploma Thesis at the Fachhochschule Ulm.


Breuckmann B (1993) Bildverarbeitung und optische Messtechnik. München: Franzis Verlag, ISBN 3-7723-861-0


HighPerformance 3D surface scanners for small ( e.g. teeth ), middle scale ( e.g. paintings, skulls, bones ) and large objects ( e.g. figures, sculptures ), in-vivo digitization ( skin, face, complete body ): optoTOP, triTOS, faceSCAN, bodySCAN, stereoSCAN-3D; software tools for acquisition, visualisation, pre- and postprocessing, inspection, reverse engineering of 3D-data: OPTOCAT, Polyworks®, RapidForm®, Geomagic®. Surface data of faces, skulls and teeth, partly with texture/colour information in .stl and .ply format


Optical 3D-metrology of human faces and bodies - technical adaptation and pattern analysis of biological shape variation
