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Curriculum Vitae

by Philipp Gunz last modified 2007-07-10 09:26

*7th October 1975, Linz – Austria



Ph.D. at the Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria (with honors). Thesis topic: «Statistical and geometric reconstruction of hominid crania: reconstructing australopithecine ontogeny», supervised by G.W. Weber, F.L. Bookstein and H. Seidler.


Master’s Degree (Mag.) in Anthropology at the Institute for Human Biology (now Dept. of Anthropology), University of Vienna, Austria (with honors).

Thesis topic: «Using Semilandmarks on surfaces and curves in three dimensions to model human neurocranial shape», supervised by H. Seidler and F.L. Bookstein.


Matura in Linz, Austria.

Academic Positions


Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Human Evolution; Leipzig – Germany.


Lecturer at the University of Vienna, Dept. of Anthropology: (1) «Virtual Anthropology», (2) «Multivariate Statistics for Biologists», (3) «Techniques of Scientific Presentation».



Ph.D. research fellowship funded by a grant of the Austrian Ministry of Culture, Science & Education, and the Austrian Council for Science and Technology GZ 200.093/3-VI/I/04 to H. Seidler, University of Vienna – Austria.


Ph.D. research fellowship funded by the project «Parameterised reference models for
hominoid skulls», Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) grant P14738-B02 to G.W. Weber, University of Vienna.

Teaching Experience

Since 2005

Multivariate Statistics for Biologists. Introduction to matrix algebra, principal component analysis, factor analyis, discriminant analyis, multivariate regression, MANOVA.

Since 2001

Virtual Anthropology. Introduction to aquisition and analysis of metric data on fossil and recent material. Medical imaging techniques. Methods for vizualizing and quantifying morphological patterns and interactions in phylogeny and ontogeny.

Techniques of Scientific Presentation. Scientific podium presentations (Powerpoint) and poster design (Adobe Illustrator).

Field Work

Member of the PAR-Team (Paleoanthropological Research Team) lead by Prof. Horst Seidler, University of Vienna, which conducts fieldwork in the Ethiopian Galili-Region (Afar-Triangle). I participated in the survey and excavations in since 2001.

Computer programming experience

In collaboration with Philipp Mitteröcker, Univ. of Vienna, I have developed an extensive toolkit for geometric morphometric data processing and multivariate analysis in Mathematica (Wolfram Research). Over the past 6 years we have written programs and utilities that cover the full range of published geometric morphometric methods as well as semilandmark processing and analysis.


I have extensive experience in visualisation and illustration and have worked with all available professional software packages (e.g. Quark XPress, Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Freehand, Fireworks, GoLive, Dreamweaver).

For three dimensional visualisation I have used in Metris, Lightwave 3D, Analyze, Edgewarp, and Amira.

3D data acquisition

I have used a Polhemus FastTrak device and a Microscribe 2GX in conjunction with Microsoft Excel to acquire 3D coordinate data. In the course of my Ph.D. research on virtual reconstruction of fossil australopithecines I worked on CT volume data using Amira, Analyze, 3D-viewnix, Metris and Edgewarp 3D.


Fred Bookstein, Philipp Mitteröcker, Simon Neubauer, Katrin Schäfer,

Horst Seidler, Dennis Slice, Bence Viola, Gerhard Weber — University of Vienna

Katerina Harvati — MPI Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig

Maria Teschler Nicola — Museum of Natural History, Vienna

Peter Brugger — Department of Anatomy, Medical University of Vienna

Daniela Prayer —University Hospital Vienna

Karl Grammer — Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology, Vienna

Bernhard Fink — Department of Sociobiology and Anthropology, University of Göttingen