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by Deano Stynder last modified 2007-07-12 19:05

Academic Publications:

Churchill, S. E., Brink, J. S., Berger, L. R., Hutchison, R. A., Rossouw, L., Stynder, D., Hancox, P. J., Brandt, D., Woodborne, S., Loock, J. C., Scott, L., and Ungar, P. 2000. Erfkroon: a new Florisian fossil locality from fluvial contexts in the western Free State, South Africa. South African Journal of Science 96: 161-163.

Stynder, D. D., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Berger, L. R., Parkington, J. E. 2001. Human mandibular incisors from the Late Middle Pleistocene locality of Hoedjiespunt 1, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution 41: 369-383.

Marean, C. W., Nilssen, P. J., Brown, K., Jerardino, A. and Stynder, D. 2004. Paleoanthropological Investigations of Middle Stone Age Sites at Pinnacle Point Mossel Bay (South Africa): Archaeology and Hominid remains from the 2000 Field Season. PaleoAnthropology: 14-83.

Morris, A.G., Dlamini, N., Parker, J., Powrie, C., Ribot, I. and Stynder, D. 2004/2005. Later Stone Age burials from the Western Cape Province, South Africa, Part 1: Voëvlei. Southern African Field Archaeology 13 & 14: 19-26.

Stynder, D. D. and Yates, R. 2006. A rare example of a human burial with a stone packed grave shaft in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Archaeological Bulletin 61: 202-207.

Stynder, D. D., Ackermann, R. and Sealy, J. A quantitative assessment of variation in Holocene Khoesan crania from South Africa’s western, south-western, southern and southeastern coasts and coastal forelands. (Submitted to the American Journal of Physical Anthropology 13.3.2007)

Stynder, D. D., Ackermann, R. and Sealy, J. Characteristic Khoesan morphology displayed by five early to mid-Holocene South African Later Stone Age human crania. (In prep-to be submitted to the South African Journal of Science).