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Curriculm Vitae

by Cinzia Fornai last modified 2009-10-08 13:11
Curriculum vitae et studiorum





-     August 2009 – MSc by dissertation in Paleoanthropology (with distinction). School of Anatomical Sciences and Institute for Human Evolution, Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Supervisor: Prof. R. J. Clarke. Title of the project: Testing the second australopithecine species hypothesis for the South African site of Sterkfontein: Geometric morphometric analysis of maxillary molar teeth

-     June 2009 - single course through the Università degli Studi di Firenze: Taphonomy and Archaeozoology, score: 30/30 Cum Laude

-     June 2008 – single courses through the Università degli Studi di Firenze: Paleoanthropology, score: 30/30; Laboratory of Anthropology, score: 30/30

-     October 2004 – June 2005 – Certificate in “Technician of archaeological excavation”, International University of Arts (U.I.A.) Foundation – Florence. 300 hours: theoretical lessons + 300 hours: apprenticeship working on CAD application and excavating several kinds of graves of an Ancient Roman site in Ostia Antica, Rome and collecting data on the sample excavated

-     2002 - Laurea (degree) in Natural Sciences (Paleo-biology), Minimum duration of study: four years. University of Rome La Sapienza. Score: 110/110, Cum Laude. Thesis title: “Variabilità biologica nei Garamanti. Morfometria multivariata del cranio in popolazioni protostoriche del Sahara Centrale (Fezzan, Libia)”, “Biological variability in Garamants. Multivariate analysis of the skull in a proto-historic population of Central Saharan (Fezzan, Libya)”. Supervisors Prof. G. Manzi, Prof. P. Passarello, Prof. F. Vecchi

-     1993 – Certificate in Accountancy, Rome. Score: 60/60




-     September-December 2009 – Marie Curie pre-doctoral fellowship in quantitative morphology of the hominoid teeth, EVAN project, University of Vienna

-     January-June 2009 – Italian Government Scholarship for South African citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad. Research project “Analysis of mandibular molar tooth cusp areas of Plio-Pleistocene South African australopithecines” through Laboratori di Antropologia, Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica, Via del Proconsolo 12, 50122 Firenze, Università degli Studi di Firenze; supervisor: Prof. Jacopo Moggi-Cecchi 700.00 € per month

-     January-September 2008 – Italian Government Scholarship for South African citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad. Research project: “Testing the second species hypothesis at Sterkfontein Formation: A comparative analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene South African hominid teeth through geometric morphometric techniques” through Laboratori di Antropologia, Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica, Via del Proconsolo 12, 50122 Firenze; supervisor: Prof. Jacopo Moggi-Cecchi. 700.00 € per month

-     2008 – P.A.S.T. – Palaeontological Scientific Trust grant. 40,000 Rand

-     2008 – Merit Award, University of the Witwatersrand, 17,920 Rand

-     2008 – J.J.J. Smieszek bursary, School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 5,580 Rand

-     2007 – J.J.J. Smieszek bursary, School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand. 12,000 Rand

-     September 2006 – P.A.S.T. – Palaeontological Scientific Trust grant for 2007. 36,000 Rand

-     September 2004 – Participated in the excavation on the Mediaeval site of Populonia (Tuscany), organized by University of Siena and by University “Cà Foscari” of Venice (Director of excavation, respectively: Prof. R. Francovich and Prof. S. Gelichi). Excavation of human remains from the cemetery area in proximity to the benedettin monastery of San Quirico

-     2001 – Collected data using Microscribe 3DX (Immersion) on skulls from Africa, stored in the Anthropological Museum G. Sergi, University of Rome La Sapienza, to assist in morphometric analysis. Supervisor: Prof. G. Manzi

-     June 2001 – Field school organized by Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana, on the Ceprano Campogrande site (Director of the excavation: Prof. G. Manzi) and Fontana Ranuccio – Anagni site (Director of the excavation: Prof. G. Segre): excavation of archaeological and palaeo-faunal assemblages, attributed to the Lower Paleolithic

-     2000 – Collaboration Scholarship performed at the Museum of Anthropology “G. Sergi”, granted by the University of Rome La Sapienza

-     1999 – Collaboration Scholarship performed at the Library of Comparative Anatomy, granted by the University of Rome La Sapienza





-     Italian: first language

-     English: fluent

-     French: scholastic




-     July – August 2009 – Teaching assistant at GAES Department, Faculty of Science, Wits University. “Mapping of ancient ruins on Google Earth”. Supervisor: Prof. K. Sadr

-     January–June 2004 – Collaboration with the Animal and Human Biology Department, University of Rome La Sapienza   “Preservation and evaluation of human osteological collections.” Supervisors: Prof. G. Manzi and Prof. G. Spedini

-     October-December 2002 – Collaboration with the Animal and Human Biology Department, University of Rome La Sapienza in researching and teaching. Supervisors: Prof. G. Manzi and Prof. P. Passarello




-     2006, 2007, 2009 – Teaching Italian language at Società Dante Alighieri in Johannesburg: integrative lessons and private lessons to pupils of different ages and levels

-     January-February 2005 – Teaching at the Civic University, Andrea Sacchi , in Nettuno, Rome: course title “Physical Anthropology and Human Evolution” (theoretical and practical lessons)




-     October – December 2005 – Accountant at the Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy

-     January 1998-June 2004 – Secretary and accountant at the company Artigianfrigo in Anzio, Rome, Italy

-     1988-2002 – Temporary jobs in several kinds of shops, restaurants and Italian bars. Managerial responsibilities