EVAN (European Virtual Anthropology Network)
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The three-year EVAN project ended in 2009, with great results
and big steps forward in threedimensional geometric morphometrics. At
the end of the final phase of the project, a new associtation was
founded to maintain contact between the different participants - this
association is the 'EVAN Society'. To clarify the differences and new goals of these two separate associations, the EVAN homepage you are reading right now will remain as a kind of archive of the initial three-year work. All further information is distributed through the new website for the EVAN society: ![]() This archive remains as a simple static website without any user interaction (even if some fields would suggest it). Therefore this website has no database and is not editable in any way. ARCHIVE:Diverse European groups have major expertise in new methods of anatomical imaging, 3D digitisation, display, modelling, programming, and leading edge expertise in the quantitative analysis of anatomical variability. Through this network we will bring together these separate domains of expertise in a powerful and internationally unique way to provide the best possible multi-centre training facilities and programme, which will in turn lead to the promotion of Europe as the major centre for these activities.This project is both multidisciplinary and intersectorial. Virtual
Anthropology (VA) and Geometric Morphometrics (GMM) are already
interdisciplines; both arose by modifying core ideas of geometric
statistics in response to very specific needs of data representations
in classic anthropometrics and medical imaging. The extensions proposed
will bring together partners from diverse fields such as physical
anthropology, medicine, mathematics, physics, computer science,
software development, economics, or museum curation to incorporate
know-how into targets such as electronic preparation and virtual
fragment assembly, medical diagnosis tools, surface scanning
technology, immersive virtual technologies, facial recognition systems,
professional software production, or Rapid Prototyping, thereby
precipitating a lively transfer of knowledge and collaboration between
the academic, clinical, industrial and private & public research
sector. European hard- and software industries will be able to take
advantage of these new resources proposed for anatomical analysis Moreover, large investments have been made at the European level to
collect data, and many institutions hold a tremendous amount of data in
their archives. Europe needs more people trained to get information out, not
just to put it in.
EVAN Tasks:Task Area A: Methods, Tools & DataTask A1: Methodological Integration and ExtensionTask A2: Data Archiving Task Area B: Applications in Biology, Medicine & IndustryTask B1: Specific Domains of Investigations |
download EVAN Flyer Page 1, EVAN Flyer Page 2 |
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